Joachim Grzega's
The idea of BGE: Focus on 750 general words + 250 individual words + basic conversational strategies that show tolerance and empathy (and are not only useful with native speakers of English) >>>
Learn English for global communication fast and effectively!
Supported by ,
See the English video explanation on
YouTube (Part 1 and Part 2).
See the Academic Background and Research on BGE (with project video clips)
Contact: Please feel free to contact Joachim
Grzega (
if you have any questions.
BGE Learning and Teaching Material for |
BGE Learning and Teaching Material for |
BGE Learning and Teaching Material for |
BGE in the Press |
1. Free copy of the book Welcome to the World for self-taught learners of all languages. Plus, ASEcoLi offers audios (MP3s Part 1 and Part 2 in ZIP files) and an accompanying book in German).
1. ASEcoLi offers materials for first-year learners at elementary schools (age group 7-10): Hello World!. There are two volumes:
For adult learner groups, ASEcoLi offers the book Welcome, Global Players (currently only a version with hints for learners of German mother tongue). ASEcoLi also offers courses (incl. higher levels [Advanced Global English]). |
report on Joachim Grzega's 91-year-old BGE learner in Weißenburger Tagblatt (13 Feb 2014) report on BGE and the reception of the "Europa-Urkunde" in Treuchtlinger Kurier (29 Dec 2011) report on the BGE partner school's reception of the "Europa-Urkunde" in BT24/Nordbayerischer Kurier (3 Dec 2011) press release on nomination of BGE for innovation award by the DIE (24 Nov 2011) report in the periodical of the German teacher association bpv report in the periodical The Linguist April/May 2009 report on a lecture in the regional paper Lindauer Zeitung 7 Apr 2009 report on BGE in the regional newspaper Schwäbische Zeitung 6 Feb 2009 report on BGE in the regional newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten 2 Dec 2008 report on the elementary school project in the news of the regional TV station TV Oberfranken on 25 June 08 as well as a note on TV Oberfranken's website report on BGE in the Frankfurter Rundschau 21 May 08 report on BGE on Radio Eins Berlin, 12 Apr 2008 ((mp3)) report on BGE on Radio Bayern 1, 9 Apr. 2008 ((mp3)) report on BGE in the German regional daily Nordbayerischer Kurier 3 Apr 08 report on BGE in the German weekly Der Spiegel 14/2008 (on-line) () |
Last updated: 08 September 2016